20th Conference Live Covering

Welcome to Our Website

It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to this website of the Sudan Association of Paediatricians (SAP). This is our official web page and you are invited to browse its elements for getting information about news of SAP and its academic and social activities. The site also contains good information about our previous conferences and the contents of our journal. We hope that you enjoy going over its pages and links. We are very thankful to all those who contributed to this site and we will be happy to consider all suggestions and criticism for improving on it. Thank you very much.

Professor Eisa Osman El-Amin
President of SAP 2014/ 2015

Sudanese Journal of Paediatrics

Sudanese Journal of Paediatrics (ISSN 0256-4408), the official journal of the Sudan Association of Paediatricians is a peer-reviewed journal established in 1977 with the overall objective of promoting the science and practice of Paediatrics. The Sudanese Journal of Paediatrics encourages submissions from authors all over the world. The journal gives priority to clinical and experimental reports dealing with child health locally, in tropical regions and Africa, the Middle East and Mediterranean Region, as well as globally. Articles considered for publication include editorials, reviews, original articles, rapid communications, short reports, case reports, letters to the editor, and book reviews. Sudanese Journal of Paediatrics is an Open Access journal available free online at There are no page charges for manuscript publication.

All Rights Reserved by Sudan Association of Paediatricians 2022
Powerd by : Mohammed Hashim