Sudanese Medical Council
The SMC is formed by a Ministerial decree on recommendation of the authorized Minister of a president, Vice-President, and widely representative notable and competent members of the profession. Membership in SMC is for four years renewable. The numbers increased from 18 in 1968 to 25 in 1983 and 33 in 2004.
RoleThe purpose of the SMC in exercising its functions is to protect, promote and maintain the health and safety of the public by ensuring proper standards in the practice, dentistry and pharmacy by laying down a sound code of conduct and disciplinary measures.
DutiesThe law gives the SMC the following function under the Sudan Medical Council Act:
• Keeping up-to-date register of qualified medical practitioners, pharmacists and dentists.
• Fostering good medical practice.
• Promoting high standards of medical education.
• Establishing code of conduct and dealing firmly and fairly with medical practitioners, dentists, and pharmacists whose fitness to practice is in doubt.
• Approving (with Ministry of higher Education) the establishment of new medical, dental and pharmacy schools.